[MM] Master Data
<物料主檔 Material Master Data>
- Material Number Range 可手動(勾選外部)也可自動給號,如自動給號需設定Number Range
2. Material Type物料類型 --A material type is a definition of a group of materials with similar attributes.
內部給號的物料類型,需設定Number Range
3. Material Master Deletion Flag 建議刪除清單
<供應商主檔 Vendor Master Data>
- 區分為General Data/Accounting Data/Purchasing Data(相似於SD的Customer Master的結構 General Data/Company Code Data/Sales Area Data) Accounting Data掛在Company Code下的;Purchasing Data是掛在Purchasing Org下
- Vendor Account Group --供應商科目群組主要分類Vendor,依分類去決定畫面哪些欄位是Required、Optional、Display
<採購資訊紀錄 Purchasing Information Record>
- Purchasing information record is used in the purchase order where information from the record is defaulted into PO.
- 被區分為四大類 standard標準/pipeline通路/consignment託售/subcontracting分包
- 主要依vendor + material number去設定,但沒料號的狀況,亦可用vendor + material group 去設定