[ABAP] Copy ALV Layouts between Programs
Solution 1. Try This Program.... 直接作程式間的COPY Report copy_layout. data : lt_ltdx like ltdx occurs 0 with header line. data : lt_ltdxt like ltdxt occurs 0 with header line. parameters report like ltdx-report obligatory. parameters report2 like ltdx-report obligatory. "copy layout of report to report2. start-of-selection. select * into table lt_ltdx from ltdx where report = report. select * into table lt_ltdxt from ltdxt where report = report. loop at lt_ltdx. lt_ltdx-report = report2. modify ltdx from lt_ltdx.. endloop. loop at lt_ltdxt. lt_ltdxt-report = report2. modify ltdxt from lt_ltdxt.. endloop. message 'Copy Complete.' type 'I'. Solution 2. 直接使用來源程式的Layout Instead of sy-repid, G_VARIANT-REPORT = SY-REPID. SY-REPID 為複製Layout的來源程式...